July 18, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday July 18, 2012


—< Wednesday July 18, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location:  Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

Our sponsor tonight is KoreLogic Security

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time.  It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop!

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level



June 20, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday June 20, 2012


—< Wednesday June 20, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location:  Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time.  It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.

* Introduction to Reversing by Doug Hiwiller

* Manually Unpacking Malware by Tyler Hudak

Talk abstracts below.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop!

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


Introduction to Reversing
by Doug Hiwiller

Reverse engineering of software can be fun and informational for infosec
professionals… and occasionally necessary. This talk will discuss basic
reverse code engineering (RCE) techniques and provide an introduction to

Manually Unpacking Malware
by Tyler Hudak

Attackers often pack malware to make analysis harder. Unfortunately,
unpackers do not always exist and analysts must resort to manually
unpacking malware. This talk will provide a brief introduction into the
techniques that can be used to unpack malware.


May 15, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday May 16, 2012

—< Wednesday May 16, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. I’ve included links to maps and directions in this email.


Network Printer Vulnerabilities by Tom Kopchak

Security professionals must be aware of numerous attack vectors and
threats that face their networks.  All too often, some devices are
forgotten or ignored.  Printers are a staple of a corporate environment,
and are frequently among the least secure elements of any network.  Tom
will explore the vulnerabilities associated with networked printers,
potential attacks that can be leveraged using these devices, and
solutions for mitigating and managing these threats.

And a special presentation by IronGeek!

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop!

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!
– NEOISF Board –
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/neoisf
Our website: http://www.neoisf.org

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level
Signs will be posted on the building.


March 15, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday March 21, 2012

—< Wednesday March 21, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. I’ve included links to maps and directions in this email.


Cracking Passwords with Rainbow Tables by David Lauer

A quick demo of how easy it is to configure a flash drive to crack
passwords. When I say fast I mean fast. No death by PowerPoint here.
Just a quick intro to the concepts and on to the demo!

OSM (Awesome) Botnet Communications by Stephen Mather

What are the theoretical vulnerabilities of versioned geospatial datasets, e.g. for use as bot communications?  Multiple methods for providing wiki-style versioned geospatial datasets exist, from Versioned Web Feature Service (WFS) to OpenStreetMap’s (OSM) infrastructure, to proprietary approaches, and emerging standards, e.g. GeoGit.  Vulnerabilities to abuse these systems as encoding structures may be subtler than twitter bot net encoding.  This talk will briefly introduce OSM, WFS, and GeoGit, and solicit thoughts on ways versioned geospatial wiki style infrastructure may be vulnerable to abuses.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop courtesy of SecureState (http://securestate.com/).

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!
– NEOISF Board –
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/neoisf
Our website: http://www.neoisf.org

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level
Signs will be posted on the building.


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