February 14, 2013

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, February 20

—< Wednesday February 20, 2013
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Detecting CSRF and Session Fixation Vulnerabilities by Nathan LaFollette


Attacker Tools and Techniques Using BackTrack (Boot2Root: pWnOS_v2) by Larry Spohn

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

– NEOISF Board –

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


December 15, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, December 19

—< Wednesday November 14, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location:  Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time.  It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


It’s locked down, what could go wrong?! – Defeating Applicaton Whitelisting

The talk is the first part in a multi-part series addressing how malware can bypass alternative security technologies. The talk covers Application Whitelisting, includes a live demo where Application Whitelisting is bypassed, and discusses proactive steps organizations can take to mitigate security product vulnerabilities.

Bio: Joe Kovacic graduated from the University of Michigan in 2005. Shortly after he founded itSoftware, a company developing antimalware products for Microsoft Windows. Today he leads development on itSoftware’s real-time anti-malware product. His research focuses on persistence and anti-persistence techniques.


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

– NEOISF Board –

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


November 9, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, November 14 (NEW DATE!!!)


—< Wednesday November 14, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location:  Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time.  It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

— NEOISF Board —

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


October 4, 2012

      October NEOISF Meeting Cancelled

There will be no October 2012 NEOISF meeting.

However, please join us at the Ohio Information Security Summit on October 25-26. We will have a table there (and swag) and look forward to seeing everyone!


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