June 18, 2013

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday June 19, 2013

—< Wednesday June 19, 2013
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Application Security: What your developers don’t know can hurt you by Joe Kuemerle

Writing secure code is not difficult but it does require that you have a good understanding of what is insecure. In this session we will
cover some of the top threats out there that can be used to break your applications. We will also cover techniques to improve the design of
your application to minimize the vulnerabilities and mitigate those you cannot remove.


Second Talk TBA


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

– NEOISF Board –

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


May 15, 2013

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, May 15

—< Wednesday April 17, 2013
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Oh Windows Passwords – Let me Count the Ways by David Kennedy

We’re taught that in order for us to secure our passwords, we need something complex, something so strong that things like rainbow tables can’t crack em. Let’s explore all the ways an attacker can utilize password hashes or extract clear text passwords straight from memory. This talk focuses on known techniques for extracting passwords from systems and using them in a way that doesn’t require actually physically cracking it.


EMET 4.0 OMGWTFBBQ by David Kennedy

EMET 4.0: If you don’t know what this is and you haven’t used it. You need to be in this talk. Consider heavy exploit and zero mitigation for free and easily configured. Learn how to configure, deploy, and centrally manage in a corporate environment and be seamless without users noticing it. Sound way to easy? It is, that’s the awesome part. Protect your organization against zero days right now with stuff thats free.


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

– NEOISF Board –

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


April 12, 2013

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, April 17

—< Wednesday April 17, 2013
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Competitive Cyber Security: The Ultimate Training Experience by Tom Kopchak

For an information security professional, knowledge and experience are
essential. These individuals must be able to respond to a wide
variety of risks and threats, while also ensuring that information is
accessible and available for authorized users. Day-to-day operations
provide little room for experimentation on production systems.
Furthermore, the best way to respond to and protect against an attack
is to have firsthand knowledge of the attackers’ processes and the
vulnerabilities that are exploited.

Competitive cyber security events put all of these skills and more to
the test. Although the format of these competitions vary, the
approach is similar: competitors are given an unfamiliar environment
they must either defend or attack. In many cases, points can be
awarded by maintaining system uptime, recovering from and documenting
attacks, or successfully exploiting vulnerabilities.

In this presentation, I will explore the value of these events for
both security professionals and security students alike. Much of the
presentation will be based on my personal experiences in the National
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC), and other events I
participated in or helped organize.


Security Awareness Training…Meh by Laura Survance

Security Awareness Training is getting a bad rap. And for good reason. As it stands, most users simply do not retain or apply information from training sessions. This presentation will identify the downfalls of current Security Awareness Training and discuss how to transition to more effective Security Awareness Foundations.


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

– NEOISF Board –

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link http://bit.ly/ndIDBZ

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level


March 19, 2013

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, March 20 CANCELED

Unfortunately, due to a lack of speakers, we need to cancel March’s meeting.

The next meeting will be April 17, 2013. We are still looking for speakers for this meeting. If you would like to speak, please let us know by emailing board at neoisf dot org.


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