November 9, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday, November 14 (NEW DATE!!!)


—< Wednesday November 14, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location:  Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly
meeting at the above date and time.  It will be held in the lower
level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower
level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. Links to maps and
directions included in this email.


Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop.
Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!

— NEOISF Board —

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link: short link

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level

October 4, 2012

      October NEOISF Meeting Cancelled

There will be no October 2012 NEOISF meeting.

However, please join us at the Ohio Information Security Summit on October 25-26. We will have a table there (and swag) and look forward to seeing everyone!|Digg|Furl|ma.gnolia|RawSugar|reddit|Spurl|Google|StumbleUpon

May 15, 2012

      NEOISF Meeting Wednesday May 16, 2012

—< Wednesday May 16, 2012
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time. It will be held in the lower level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. I’ve included links to maps and directions in this email.


Network Printer Vulnerabilities by Tom Kopchak

Security professionals must be aware of numerous attack vectors and
threats that face their networks.  All too often, some devices are
forgotten or ignored.  Printers are a staple of a corporate environment,
and are frequently among the least secure elements of any network.  Tom
will explore the vulnerabilities associated with networked printers,
potential attacks that can be leveraged using these devices, and
solutions for mitigating and managing these threats.

And a special presentation by IronGeek!

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop!

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!
– NEOISF Board –
Follow us on Twitter:
Our website:

Park Center Plaza 1
6100 Oak Tree Blvd
Google maps link:

1. I-77
2. Rockside Road exit
3. West on Rockside Road
4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd
5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right
6. Go to lower level
Signs will be posted on the building.|Digg|Furl|ma.gnolia|RawSugar|reddit|Spurl|Google|StumbleUpon

January 18, 2011

      NEOISF Meeting January 19, 2011

—< NORTHEAST OHIO INFORMATION SECURITY FORUM MEETING —< Wednesday December 15, 2010 —< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM —< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM —< Location: Park Center Plaza #1, 6100 Oak Tree Blvd, off Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio —< Open to everyone and free as always The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will meet for its monthly meeting on Wednesday January 19, 2010 starting at 6:30 PM. It will be held in the lower level of the Park Center Plaza #1 building (in the large room on lower level) off of Rockside Road in Independence. I’ve included links to maps and directions in this email. We have two talks planned… +++ Radio Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing – All your RF Are Belong to Us, Matt Neely, SecureState +++ Embedded Strings Obfuscation – Tyler Hudak See bottom of email for talk abstracts. PRIZES! Did we get your attention? We plan to have some prize giveaways as well. Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for pizza and pop. Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there! – NEOISF Board – ============================================================ [Location] Park Center Plaza 1 6100 Oak Tree Blvd Google maps link: TinyURL link [Directions] 1. I-77 2. Rockside Road exit 3. West on Rockside Road 4. 2nd light go South onto Oak Tree Blvd 5. Pull into the 3rd driveway on the right 6. Go to lower level Signs will be posted on the building. ============================================================ TALK ABSTRACTS Title: Radio Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing – All Your RF Are Belong to Us - Matt Neely, SecureState Tired of boring old pentests where the only wireless traffic you see if 802.11 and maybe a little Bluetooth? With this amazing new invention, the radio, your eavesdropping options can be multiplied! Come to this talk to learn techniques for discovering, monitoring and exploiting a wide array of radio traffic with real world examples illustrating how these techniques have been used to gather information on a target's physical security, personnel and standard operating procedures. Matt's BIO: Matt Neely (CISSP, CTGA, GCIH and GCWN) is the Profiling Team Manager at SecureState, a Cleveland, Ohio based security consulting company. At SecureState Matt leads a team of consultants who perform traditional penetration tests, physical penetration tests, web application security reviews and wireless security assessments. His research interests include the convergence of physical and logical security, lock and lock picking, cryptography and all things wireless. Matt is also a host on the Security Justice podcast. Title: Embedded Strings Obfuscation – Tyler Hudak, General Electric Strings embedded in malware can reveal a lot of useful information to analysts. However, attackers are using a number of different techniques to obfuscate these strings to make analysis more difficult. This talk will discuss the various techniques used and how analysts can overcome them. Tyler's BIO: Raised under the watchful eyes of the elves of Rivendell, Tyler was trained in the ancient art of malware analysis. During the battle for Middle Earth against Sauron, Tyler worked in secrecy to reverse engineer the Great Virus of Sarumon, thus giving the good races of Middle Earth an advantage over the evil forces of Sauron. He currently works for GE.|Digg|Furl|ma.gnolia|RawSugar|reddit|Spurl|Google|StumbleUpon

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