March 5, 2018

      NEOISF March 21st, 2018 Meeting

—< Wednesday March 21, 2018
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: OEC at 4205 Highlander Pkwy Richfield, OH 44286
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time.



Lighting Round Talks

  • TBA

If you are interested in speaking send an email to and we can help you write your talk.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for food and soda.

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!


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February 5, 2018

      NEOISF February 21st, 2018 Meeting

—< Wednesday February 21, 2018
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: OEC at 4205 Highlander Pkwy Richfield, OH 44286
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time.


SQL Server 2016 Security Features
by: Sam Nasr

SQL Server 2016 provides several new security features for developers and architects.  Features such as Dynamic Data Masking (DDM), “Always Encrypted”, and Row-Level Security provide an additional level of security nativity through the database server.  We’ll explore the implementation of these features on the client/server for data in transmission or at rest.  In addition, we’ll examine built-in features and custom implementations.

Sam Nasr has been a software developer since 1995, focusing mostly on Microsoft technologies. Having achieved multiple certifications from Microsoft (MCSA, MCAD, MCTS, and MCT), Sam develops, teaches, and tours the country to present various topics in .Net. He’s involved with the Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group, where he has been the group leader since 2003. In addition, he’s the leader of the .Net Study Group, an author for Visual Studio Magazine, and a Microsoft MVP since 2013.  When not coding, Sam loves spending time with his family and friends or volunteering at his local church.

Interdisciplinary Infosec: Equifax, Individuation, and the Modern State
by: Tom

Interdisciplinary methodologies center around the use of information and methods drawn from a variety of fields of study, regardless of the field itself, to form a narrative of events.  In this approach the focus becomes varied with the goal of developing an analysis which is not confined to the arbitrary limitations of fields or disciplines and which can provide additional insights above and beyond those that can come from any one field of study.

Within the information security community we find a wide diversity of people from different backgrounds, many of which are not technical.  Yet, for as diverse as we are as a community analysis in the community tends to be confined to the purely technical, with the result being prescriptive technical solutions.  When analysis does leave this space, and veers into political or social analysis, it tends to be confined to an immediate analysis of the effects of a specific technology or event.  In limiting ourselves to this sort of technical analysis we are often missing the wider context, that which exists off of the screen, which could inform our understanding of events and approaches to remediation.

In this talk we will discuss interdisciplinary approaches and how, in the case of the Equifax breach, this sort of approach can form the foundations of a different sort of analysis, one which resists purely technical explanations and solutions.  Through this interdisciplinary analysis, we will discuss the ways in which the Equifax breach, along with OPM and other massive, PII-centric, breaches impact some of the foundational structures of everyday life.

Lighting Round Talks

  • TBA

If you are interested in speaking send an email to and we can help you write your talk.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for food and soda.

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!


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January 18, 2018

      Introducing the NEOISF Mentor-Match Program

Introducing the NEOISF Mentor-Match Program

Over the past year, the board, has had several questions regarding mentor-ship. How to find mentors, how to find proteges, and ways that people can give back to the community.

Starting today, the NEOISF board is releasing its Mentor-Match Program. This is a double blind match-making program focused on connecting well matched members of the community to each other.

If you are a person ready to give back as a mentor, fill out the web form and the NEOISF board will connect you with proteges that match your skill set and commitment level.

NEOISF Mentor-Match — Mentors

If you are looking to connect with a mentor fill out the web form for proteges.

NEOISF Mentor-Match — Proteges

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January 16, 2018

      NEOISF January 17th, 2018 Meeting

—< Wednesday January 17, 2018
—< 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
—< Pizza and social start 6:00 PM
—< Location: OEC at 4205 Highlander Pkwy Richfield, OH 44286
—< Open to everyone and free as always

The Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum will hold our monthly meeting at the above date and time.


Bringing Up Our Future – On Mentoring Future Techies
by: Sarah Dutkiewicz

While it is one thing to learn from videos or blog posts, it is a different experience when you have someone to turn to that can answer the questions you have when you have them. It makes a world of difference to be able to ask someone “What do they mean when they say ‘authorization’ vs. ‘authentication’?” When you have someone who forces you to think about what it is you want in life and what steps you may need to take to get there… someone who can make introductions and offer direction… it makes your career and life a little less scary and a lot more manageable. In this session, we will look at some practices that are used by great mentors in the field and learn lessons on how we can be great role models and mentors for our future ­techies

Sarah Dutkiewicz is a cross-platform technologist.  Whether it’s  following her technical curiosity down paths such as playing with R Tools for Visual Studio while learning R on Coursera or learning serverless concepts and playing with other programming languages, Sarah loves to find ways to incorporate tools wherever she goes, on whatever platform.  She has been working with Microsoft’s technologies cross-platform since experimenting with IronPython in 2008 and presenting about it on Linux at PyCon 2009.  In the cross-platform adventures, Sarah has also tried Visual Studio for Mac and writing C# code with .NET Core on Linux.  Sarah speaks on user experience, mentoring, leadership, the history of women in tech, and various software development concepts.  From tech support to IT to software development, Sarah can apply her love for technology in various arenas.  You can find Sarah primarily attending, speaking at, and organizing various user groups and developer events.  Sarah is the owner of Cleveland Tech Consulting, LLC.

Behavioral Analytics 101
by: Mark Overholser

The presentation is a high-level overview of behavioral analytics as a technique, including a discussion of types of machine learning and anomaly detection, a discussion of how products are (or should be) categorized, and some points and questions to keep in mind and ask when reviewing, demoing, and evaluating behavioral analytics products.

Mark Overholser has been a lifelong technology enthusiast, and made his passion his career. After working for many years at a multi-billion-dollar medical supply manufacturer and distributor using technology to achieve business goals, he started to wonder about what sorts of controls were in place to help make sure technology would only do good, not harm. One thing led to another, and he then was one of the first members of the new information security team. After working hard to grow the team and build the information security practice, he left to take a breather and now is working to help information security teams everywhere understand threats and get the most out of their defensive technologies. For the past two and a half years, Mark worked for LightCyber, a startup company working on behavioral analytics, which was acquired by Palo Alto Networks. Mark is also an award winning novice “Jack & Jill” swing dancer and can be seen dancing here numbed as dancer 290.

Lighting Round Talks

  • Amy Balsinger’s recap on CodeMash

If you are interested in speaking send an email to and we can help you write your talk.

Don’t forget to come early, starting at 6:00 PM, for food and soda, sponsored by TrustedSec.

Another great meeting from NEO Info Sec Forum – we hope to see you there!


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